February 21, 2011


Hello my wonderful blog members!!!!  Can you believe we are almost done February? How did this happen????   I swear every day I have more gray hair (yes GRAY HAIR) and I blink and the day is finished.  It leaves me constantly asking myself  ' Did I make the most of today?', and often I still feel like the answer is "NO".  I think I have to re-think what a day should mean in the life of a WAHM with a toddler because I keep being told I am trying to do too much and cant juggle it all. We'll see!! ;-)

So, I'm writing to see who is paying attention. I have 125 members here on this blog, and I'd like every single one of you to reply to this post.  I have a secret that ONLY you 125 members are going to get to have a chance at first, but to do this, I need you all to comment with a way to contact you. If you DO NOT feel comfortable leaving your email, please use the contact us tab above and Send your information through there.  IT IS REALLY important you get into contact with me asap!!!!  You have 2 days!!!  

<3 <3 <3 Let's see who is paying attention.  And if anyone knows other people listed here, you might want to give them the heads up <3 <3 <3

Check out our shopping tab above.  Right now anyone who purchases APPLE CHEEKS products stands to win one free APPLE CHEEKS ITEM with their order!!!  (note, the value will be over 10.00)   I am a huge fan of the Apple Cheeks Inserts, I have the 2 pack set, and love them!!!  I also love their diaper, I like the way the pocket opening is in the middle so you dont even have to take the insert out because it agitates in the wash and falls out.  *** IF the shopping cart is giving you issues, or the shipping isnt working or is off, we will need to correct that, we are having a hard time with this cart and cant seem to figure it out, IF anyone has a cost effective as in FREE cart they can suggest that is html based and can be put anywhere, please let us know*** 


The Fuzzy Fluff Addicted Momma said...

I am already a follower here is my response you wanted!!! :D

onebatchick at hotmail dot com


Rae said...


Lilypad Mom said...

erika8602 at gmail dot com

Pat said...


Libby said...

libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com

Lauren Ali said...

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com :)

Rachel said...

Follow on fb but just started following your blog.


Monika said...

monisqua at hotmail dot com

Rach said...

dawn_angle at yahoo.com

Him, Me, Wee 3 said...

Hmm... This is interesting :)

himmeweethree @ ymail . com

Sabrina B Radke said...

Sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Jennifer Tait said...

What a nice way to start a Tuesday morning. :) j_tait75@yahoo.com

stac6979 said...

I can't wait to find out!
I'm a fb follower too.
Stac6979 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...


Can't wait to hear what's going on!

April said...

I'm a follower. Can't wait to see what fun is in store.

april at purecleanb dot com

April said...

I'm a follower. Can't wait to see what fun is in store.

april at purecleanb dot com

Dana West Young said...

I follow!!!

Unknown said...

zoe lee
madforfashion at aol.com

Kay Green said...

I am here too. Kay from www.MyPreciousKid.com
And a follower on your facebook.
kay at mypreciouskid.com

Kelsey said...

Im so with you Rachael. It feels like Ive had gray hair forever. i think Ive had a strand or 2 since I was 18, and now I just turned 30 I have a full blown stripe like Rogue from Xmen! I even get random gray hairs in my eyebrown right below the stripe in my hair. Its insane. I guess Im just used to it now.

I never feel accomplished. At least not as much as I want to be. My little one is still only 7 months and I keep telling myself as soon as she gets a little older shell be easier to let play and do her own thing so I can actually do some dishes or something! This is probably wishful thinking.


Heidi Maxwell said...

I already feel like I'm not making the most of my day. Like you, I probably put too much on my plate and then feel like I didn't do a good enough job because I couldn't do it all.

My email:

cadbetty AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...


EebieBaby said...

Hi Ladies... I wonder if you'll get this msg from me?

I am just putting together your secret email. I really hope it makes you all smile :-)

I'll give you a hint. It involves a new place to hang out, a bigger chance to a lot of contests, & of course the Apple Cheeks option mentioned above. Yes we ship to U.S & Canada and will ship elsewhere if you msg us first. PLEASE keep in mind our cart is acting up- and we may need to add or subtract shipping. <3

SEE U ALL SOON !!!!!!!!

Kelsey said...

Of course I follow your blog! kelseylynn_05@yahoo.com

Tami B said...

I'm a fairly new follower only a few weeks now. tlbrew75@gmail.com

Rachael said...